This chart will help with transpositions. Please note that the student needs
a through knowledge of intervals and triad spellings. All of the intervals to be
transposed are contained in the triad
spellings or in inversions of the triadic intervals.
English |
German |
French |
Italian |
Comments |
Bb |
Si bé mol
Sib |
Bb Basso is common. If the part just says "Horn in Bb" it is probably Bb
basso. The transposition is down a perfect 5th.
Bb Alto is not as common but is not unusual. It will almost always be
marked "alto". This is also the transposition for trumpet parts.
The transposition is up a perfect 4th.
A |
A |
La |
La |
Fairly common. Transpose up a major third (2
Rarely, in opera (especially Verdi) A basso will be used.
Transpose down a minor 6th.
Ab |
As |
La bé mol |
Lab |
Unusual. Transpose up a minor third (1½ steps).
In some opera music (especially Verdi), Ab
transpositions are basso and should be down a major 6th.
G |
G |
Sol |
Sol |
Fairly common. Transpose up 1 step.
F# |
Fis |
Fa diése |
Rare. Transpose up a ½ step |
E |
E |
Mi |
Mi |
Very common. Transpose down ½ step.
Eb |
Es |
Mi bé mol |
Mib |
Very common. Also common in older band music.
Transpose down 1 step.
D |
D |
Re |
Re |
Very common. Transpose down a minor third (1½
Db |
Des |
Re bé mol |
Reb |
Rare. Transpose down a major third (2 steps).
C |
C |
Ut |
Do |
Common. Usually transposed down a perfect 4th.
Some baroque music is written for C alto horn. This will usually be
specifically market "alto". C alto is up perfect
5th. C alto is also useful when playing from a concert pitch part
such as a hymnal or lead sheet
B |
H |
Si |
Si |
Somewhat unusual (but fairly common in Brahms music).
This music must be transposed down a diminished 5th
(tri-tone or 3 whole steps).
Basso or Tief
Basso |
Alto |
Alt or Hoch |
Alto |
Alto or Acuto |